EVENTS / December 12, 2018
Spin Digital at IDW 2018 in Nagoya – Japan
Nagoya, December 12, 2018 — Nagoya, Spin Digital will participate at the International Display Workshops 2018 (IDW’18) with an invited paper and a demonstration about ultra-high resolution software media players. IDW ’18 will be held at Nagoya Congress Center in Nagoya, Japan from Dec. 12 to Dec. 14, 2018.
Invited Paper
Spin Digital’s CEO Dr. Mauricio Alvarez Mesa will make an invited talk titled “HEVC Software Media Player for Ultra-High Quality Video: 8K and Beyond”. In this talk Dr. Alvarez-Mesa will present the latest optimizations that have been applied to Spin Digital Media Player (Spin Player) that allows to play 16Kp60 HEVC video using a single workstation PC system, or to play 8K HEVC video using a very compact PC.
The talk will take place on Friday December 14th at 15:15h in Room 133 (Nagoya Congress Center), and will be part of the section on 8K Systems (DES5-2).
Innovative Demonstration (I-Demo).
Spin Digital together with TJC will present a demonstration of 8K video playback at the Innovative Demonstration (I-Demo) session on Thursday December 13th from 11:40 to 15:50h.
The demo consists of the latest version of Spin Player running on an 18-core CPU and connected to an 8K monitor. 8K content from NHK Media Technology, PSNC, and Unigine will be showcased.
About IDW
With a history than spans for 25 years, IDW is a major international conference for researchers from academia and industry presenting the latest developments in display technologies and systems. More information about IDW can be found here:
This activity has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 7620799 ( We also thank TJC for its support for this event.