EVENTS / January 10, 2015

H2020 Project Film265 Kick-off Meeting in Berlin

The new EU funded project “Film265” hold its kick-off meeting in Berlin in January 9th 2015. The meeting was hosted by the AES group of TU Berlin, and counted with the participation of all project partners.

Berlin, January 10, 2015 — Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program, Film265 is a new project that aims to support the creative Video-on-Demand industry with emerging technologies in video delivery. The core of the project consists of adapting the H.265 video codec for VoD scenarios. H.265 is a new video coding standard that provides compression gains up to 50% compared to the state-of-the-art H.264/AVC,and will be used, among others, for 4k/UHD streaming over the internet. Film265 aims to develop a complete end-to-end H.265 video delivery solution including: cloud-based transcoding, streaming delivery, and web playback. As an Innovation Action the project aims to transfer emerging technologies from research prototype stages into market ready solutions.

The consortium consists TU Berlin (Germany), Reelport (France/Germany), Marché du FilmCinando (France), and LevelK (Denmark). TU Berlin (AES group) has an extensive experience on efficient implementations of video codecs, Reelport is a VoD provider for film-related projects, Cinando handles the market of the Cannes Film Festival, and LevelK is a Danish film distributor using VoD technologies. TU Berlin will provide the new video codec; Reelport its existing PicurePipe cloud encoding solution; and Cinando and LevelK will integrate and test the new technologies into their VoD solutions.

LevelKMore information can be found in the Film265 webpage.