News and Tech Blog

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14 May 2015 / EVENTS

Spin Digital at Cannes 2015

Spin Digital was present at the 68th edition of the Cannes Film Festival, which took place at the French Riviera city from May 13th to May 24th. Berlin, Cannes, May 14, 2015 — Mauricio Álvarez-Mesa, CEO and co-founder …

22 March 2015 / EVENTS

Spin Digital Team at CeBIT 2015 – Hannover

The Spin Digital 8K real-time HEVC/H.265 decoder is one of the main attractions of the Research and Innovation Hall at CeBIT 2015 in Hannover. Berlin, March 22, 2015 — With the worlds first 8K RExt HEVC/H.265 decoder running …

5 March 2015 / EVENTS

Spin Digital at CeBIT 2015 – Hannover

At CeBIT 2015 Spin Digital presents an 8K video decoder based on the recently released version 2 of the HEVC/H.265 standard. Spin Digital’s optimized H.265 decoder achieves 8K real-time performance on a single-processor workstation, making 8K technology ready …

10 January 2015 / EVENTS

H2020 Project Film265 Kick-off Meeting in Berlin

The new EU funded project “Film265” hold its kick-off meeting in Berlin in January 9th 2015. The meeting was hosted by the AES group of TU Berlin, and counted with the participation of all project partners.


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